Saturday, 24 May 2014

My Day

Today I really missed playing saxophone.My Aunt and Uncle took me to the Symphony tonight. Mahler's Ninth. It was so cool watching professional musicians. We were in front of the bass section. One bassist was really into it, it was fun to watch. The Conductor would have been very confusing to play under. I know music and I couldn't even figure out what the time signature was most of the time. He was also really into it, you could here him breathe when he wanted another section to start. By the end of the first movement he was sweating. There were some very interesting musical choices that I was curios as to how they were depicted in the music. I was also very impressed by how loud a single violin can be and how quiet 30 violins and 8 cellos can be. The final movement was a lot of pianissimo to the point you thought it was over then they started again louder, this happened several times. The symphony was over an hour long and they only rehearsed for a week. Crazy, band class practiced for months and maybe had 20 minutes of material. It is also amazing that people can write cohesive non repetitious music that lasts over an hour. The men had white bow ties and tails; women just had to wear all black, some pants, some dresses, some high heels, some long sleeve, some cardigans. Music is cool because you aren't forced to retire. There were 30 year old and 60 year olds sharing music. As long as you can physically play and you can still hear you can stay. Now I want to write music for parts. I have trouble writing for just me, making it up usually leads into something I recognize. To be able to create your own melodies that can fit a piece of music that long is amazing. I seem to be saying amazing a lot. But it really was cool.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

group projects

Remember group projects in highschool? Or better yet elementary?

I was always the one who did most of the work and told the other people what to do. I hated doing that but that was the only way things would get done. I can lead but i dont like to. People are followers. I expected that group projects in university would be smoother and people would want to be involved. Wrong. Most of it is the same. I am in 2 groups currently that I am frustrated with because everyone chose their parts but not everyone is doing theirjobs. I cannot do my job without work from other people but they haven't been doing it. It has been promised to me multiple times. And that is the worst part. So I am expecting this information but it doesn't come. One part I have beeb waiting 4 weeks for. I hate being a mean person because they freak out if I get mad at them for not fulfilling their jobs but what else am I supposed to do. This isnt like a project in highschool where i can just take over and do it for them so at least i can get a good mark. They actually have to do the work themselves.

People are annoying.