Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Garbage Picker

Today I picked up some more awesome garbage. I started picking up garbage during the summer where I worked. I got a really nice sweater, a golf club and a razor scooter along with lots of golf balls. Vancouver has amazing garbage. I usually leave anythng I want for a day or 2 to make sure no one is coming back for it or a homeless person doesn't want it. I have a sweater which sadly is too small, 2 hubcaps, a leather jacket, a bow tie, a broken DVD player and broken PC monitor. I had a chance to take a broken TV but it was too big. Don't worry, I am careful and wash all clothing and make sure the other stuff is safe to carry.

I really hope I can use this garbage as art. There is a project coming up that I want to use the DVD player parts to create a kinetic sculpture. Not exactly sure how I am going to do that but that is the plan right now. I have used one of the hubcaps  in a themed photo shoot although it wasn't included in the final.

It seems that most of the garbage I pick up has been rejected by the person who threw it out and a homeless person who took what they thought was useful and broke the item further.


  1. I'm looking forward for that sculpture! :)

  2. Sadly the sculpture isn't happenning. And I have passed by so much awesome garbage lately. And some things that probably isn't garbage but was unattended, like a suit jacket and vest. I picked up a forth hubcap a while ago but am not sure what to do with it now.
